Tuesday 26 April 2011

Judge Dredd - Il est le loi!

MegaCity One's premier lawman is no just popular in the UK and US, his books are translated to multiple languages and sold all over the world. I recently stumbled across the above image of Dredd by the fantastic French artist Sebastien Grenier and asked him about it.

He said "Bonjour Wells! It's done for the French edition of integral of Judge Dredd (early issues) for Soleil editions (collection Anticipation)." Integral is obviously the French version of our Case Files for which Sebastien has provided an excellent cover.

Below we see his pencils...
Followed by a monotone wash...
And finally that cracking cover image which was done with oils on Gessoed Board. Beautiful!
And here it is on the book, not bad eh?
Compared to the UK version:
and the US version:
So there we go, Dredd from around the world! A huge "Merci" to Sebastien for sending the image and the breakdown, check out his website here and his excellent Deviant Art gallery here!


  1. If you fancy one and are in Paris, highly recommend the "Album" comic shops just 10 mins walk from Notre Dame. On one side of the road you've got their Gosh/Page 45 version, with an excellent stock of European comics and GN's, on t'other side is their take on FP with a huge selection of American titles, toys and original art.
    HIGHLY recommended.

  2. Well, as beautiful as that French version by is,Sebastien Grenier is, I think I like the boldness of the US version the most. Still, cheers for this Pete. I will now search out some books by Sebastien. Lovely style.
