As with most 2000AD artists, Boo earned his stripes illustrating the obligatory Tharg's Future Shocks, getting his first one under his belt in August of 2000. After impressing the fan base with his imaginative layouts and exotic aliens, he was given a three part ABC Warriors strip before teaming up with writer Rob Williams to produce the political strip Asylum.
The tale followed Marshall Holt, an alien hunter who's job it was to track down illegal immigrants trying to enter Earth. Holt was stationed on a lunar platform tethered to Earth, where any alien refugees would be processed before being granted entry to the planet. As with many of his Future Shocks, this gave Boo a chance to cut loose and showcase some of his sublime future tech and his balmy alien designs. The strip was a success, spawning an enjoyable sequel as well as being collected in a graphic novel. Among its many merits, the strip is notable for going down in 2000AD history as the first to depict a badly wounded man of the cloth shitting himself. Though as we will see, this was not Boo's last association with faeces in the Galaxy's Greatest!
Following Asylum, Boo worked with former Tharg Dave Bishop on the prison story Dead Men Walking. Reaction to the strip was mixed, but once again, an intergalactic prison full of exotic aliens and zombies allowed Boo's fertile imagination to soar!
Below we can see covers for both strips as well as prog 1411's Lobster Random cover.

Boo's colour palette of oranges and purples used in this strip is absolutely wonderful, the pages actually seem to glow! The story is a significant one in the world of Dredd as it sadly sees the (apparent) end of long running Psi-judge Karyn as she sacrifices her humanity to save Dredd, becoming a feral beast possessed by the demonic spirit of the Shadow King.
Below we have Dredd-flavoured covers for Progs 1422, 1436 and 1471.

Boo's other Dredd strip for the Meg was the controversial 'The Listener', which saw Gordon Rennie lampoon several boarders from the 2000AD's message board, several of whom were less than amused with what they read...
Currently, Boo is lead artist on the Judge Anderson strip, giving us the extraordinary Wiierd and Biophyle strips penned by Alan Grant as well as next years' House of Vyle.
Below are the superb covers of Megs 254 and 274 respectively.

Currently, Boo's beautiful artwork can be seen in the fantastic Elephantmen published by Image comics as well as on his superb blog All Tomorrow's Particles, which I recommend to find at http://www.boocook.blogspot.com/, some of his Elephantmen covers are simply breathtaking!
Many, many thanks to Boo for sending me so many covers, I can't wait to see him back in the Meg next year!