Thursday 17 October 2013

Boo Cook - Flaskback!

There's nothing better than a 2000AD artist who's a 2000AD fan, and one of the biggest fans of all is Boo Cook. I've met Boo a couple of times it always strikes me how excited he is to talk 2000AD and how lucky he feels to be a part of the comic. 

With Thought Bubble fast approaching, Boo has contributed a Dredd strip to the annual charity anthology comic. The strip is a crossover with Dredd meeting one of Boo's other passions, the awesome Elephantmen!

No stranger to tribute covers, Boo has chosen the seminal cover of Prog 180 by Mick McMahon as inspiration for the crossover - and what a stunning job he's done! Below we can see inks and the coloured version of Mick's iconic classic...  

Aaaah, the good old days when the comic was only 5G on Saturn...

A Dredd Mobile? Once again, Tharg predicts into the future...

Below are Boo's pencils for the cover, note the Ezquerra-esque dashes on the pedway and borders, sublime!

Lets hope that suspension holds...

And those perfect inks...

The Law of the Jungle

Add a dash of toilet paper colouring...

Flask to the Future

Add a retro logo and we're ready to go! Hey wait a minute... 75C on Saturn? What the hell are Starkings and Cook trying to pull? What have they got against Saturnarians? Bloody swindlers...

Massive Junglist

Boo also included this fabulous Judge Flask that he did for Richard Starkings for the MCM Expo a couple of years ago...

But would Dredd take issue with the facial hair? 

As well as this brilliant Sketch Card which he did for Michael Garrity...

Aaaagh, flashbacks to those awful, non-2000AD artist's sketchcards from the strictly ink series!

The anthology comic will be available in all good comic shops in November, with proceeds going to the Barnardos charity. Mega, whoppa kisses to Boo for sending these images, he will be at Thought Bubble on 23rd and 24th November and has promised to apologise to all Saturn folk across the weekend. Check out his beautiful blog here!

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