Friday 5 June 2015

Simon Davis - Ace Warp!

A double whammy from Simon Davis this week as he produces a cover that's busting with both concentrated Thrill Power and the power of the Earth Goddess! It should come with a health warning!

The award winning painter brings us an outrageous image of the Warped One in full warp spasm as he prepares to trounce some Trojans! Simon kindly sent a slew of images of his work in progress, though Slaine didn't think it too many...

Below we see his initial watercolour sketch, zarjaz! 
A typical girl in Newcastle 

Next up, Simon's fairly loose pencils...

 Slaine got over excited when grape stomping!

Unfortunately, Simon spilled a cup of tea on his work, disaster!

 Slaine may want to lay off the fake tan a bit
However, the plucky artist carried on regardless. Note, he was off to Ikea later that day and you can see a bit of his shopping list in the top right...

Simon's Rorschach test - what do you see? 

 The painting begins to come alive as the details swim into focus...

Slane gets the hump 

And a few extra details are added...

Oh dear, Slaine shouldn't have eaten that curry...  

The lower half of Slaine begins to take shape...

 Oh no! All of Slaine's change has fallen out of his pockets!
And finally those trendy golden wrist gauntlets are painted...

Old One Eye 

With the image about done, Simon experiments with different light sources...

Slaine takes on Robin Hood 

And finally the finished image, oh my poor heartsies!

Jackie Stallone finally gets her own strip in 2000AD

And here's how the prog looks, screaming and howling on our newsagent's shelf! Absolutely brilliant and impossible to ignore!

Ooooh, Slaine, your eyeliner is running...
Thank you so much to Simon for sending the images, it's absolutely wonderful to see one of his paintings coming together. What a brilliant cover too! I've been blown away by Simon's covers for this series but this one is far and away my favourite! Such energy! It's terrifying!
Thanks again to this incredible artist!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely - and 12,000 miles away ThryllSeeker wet his pants!
