Saturday 25 October 2014

Dave Kendall - Hunter Killer!

In this weeks' episode of Ichabod Azrael, our titular character runs into an old friend, the fearsome  Hunter! This vicious demon chased Ichabod across time to kill him over and over again. Is it time for Azrael's revenge? Who better to paint such a terrifying, horroric image right in time for Halloween? Well, none other than Dave Kendall himself. It is said that Dave's digital brushes are haunted by Janette Krankie himself!

Over to Dave to tell us how this horrific cover came to be - "Due to a short deadline and other deadlines to fulfil, this Azrael cover had a tight turn around. Luckily it was a beastly horror image which is always fun!"

"I shot a couple of images Tharg's way. One was a simple close-up/portrait image. I took advantage of the Hunter's anatomy to create a simple clockface composition with the dogs heads, whip and cleaver surrounding the main head."

"The other image was a more straightforward, action type affair. The Hunter attacking the towns people in a Frazetta type composition. Tharg went for the close up shot."

The Hunter will star in the new PETA campaign

Whip crack away, whip crack away, whip crack awaaaay!

"The next stage was to produce the finished pencils."

What a dog-eared beast!

"Because of the tight deadline I painted this digitally. I first applied a quick colour scheme under the pencils. I decided  to refine the colours using desert as an inspiration."

If it doesn't work out in Purgatory, the Hunter could become the first one man acapella band.

"I submitted this final image..."

Dog Cleaver!

"Tharg liked it but asked for more POP! I realised I'd drifted a little from my original intent. Aside form improving and adding to some details I cooled the shadow areas down in order to improve the contrast and colour scheme. This was the final approved cover."

By, the Hunters looking woof, he's really gone to the dogs...

And here's how the cantankerous bastard looks on your shelf, amazing!

I wonder if he can lick his own balls?

Huuuuge thanks to Dave for these stunning images, good god this years' cover of the year vote is going to be impossible! Please check out Dave's fantastic website here.

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