Monday 28 January 2013

Boo Cook - Portrait of a Bootant!

No Surrender! Here's the wonderful Boo Cook's Ezquerra-tastic cover to Prog 1817. Alpha fans will be very aware that this is an incredible homage to King Carlos' iconic cover of prog 220 which chronicled the first mutant uprising in Portrait of a Mutant.

You can see a lovely Hi-Res version of that cover below as well as the coloured version...

"I use Brut deodorant!"

Johnny does his best Travolta impression.

Below is Boo's magnificent rough...

There's venom in that there rough...

Unfortunately, Boo's pencils have been lost in the ether but mercifully, these incredible inks survive. The energy in 'em is incredible!

No the wonder this country's going to the dogs!

And finally, Boo's distinctive colours. I adore Boo's colour work, always such very brave choices that he manages to pull off every time, amazing! This is a classic, based on a classic!


And here's how the whole kit and caboodle went together.


I couldn't post this cover without showing Boo's contribution to the 'Someone Old, Someone New' blog which sees artists teaming up a modern character with a comic character of yesteryear. Here we have Johnny teamed up with naughty Gnasher!

Johnny Owns Naughty Gnasher?

And finally Boo's Strontium Dog and Elephant Men team up from the Thought Bubble Collection. Stunning!
 Who the hell's gonna mess with us?

Whoppa thanks to the brilliant Boo for sending the images, the guy is ace! For more of his dazzling work, check out The Boo Cook Archive, it's stunning!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Boo's colors. They are always distinctive and great. Not an easy combo!
