Saturday 22 August 2009

Prog 1650 - Nice Planet, I'll Take It!

2000 hits it's 1650th issue this week with a blinding 'Jumping On' issue. Contained within the scrotnig Chris Weston cover (thanks Chris!) above is a heartbreaking start to the latest Judge Dredd epic 'Tour of Duty' as well as action packed, double-length episodes of Shakara and Kingdom. To celebrate we have a selection of covers from all strips and artists.

Let's start with Dredd, which is illustrated by a modern day legend, Colin MacNeil. The story continues to focus on the Mutant Issue, which Colin has already contributed many episodes. The tale co-stars Judge Beaney, the daughter of Bennet and America Beaney from, in my opinion, the greatest Judge Dredd story ever told, America (also beautifully illustrated by MacNeil.)

Below there are a section of covers from this beautiful tale, as well as the superb cover of prog 1488, just because I love it!

Next we have Shakara by Henry Flint and Robbie Morrison. Shakara is a mysterious liquid being encased in a kick-ass suit who seeks vengeance on a host of alien nasties. Over the course of three books it has become apparent that Shakara is the instrument of vengeance of a long dead alien civilisation of the same name.
All of this is a fine excuse for some cracking scripts from Morrison and amazingly deranged art from Flint. Wonderful stuff! Below are the covers of Prog 1441 and the Shakara Graphic Novel.

Finally, there's part one of Kingdom: Call of the Wild by Dan Abnett and Richard Elson. Below we have inks and colours for all of Elson's Kingdom covers to date. Huge thanks to Richard and RAC for these beautiful covers!

The story focuses on Gene the Hackman, a genetically modified dog soldier who was bred to fight a race of insectoid horrors known only as 'Them', on a ravaged planet earth.

We'll start with the inks for prog 1570, not there's two versions of this cover. Richard explains "I decided to change the hand after scanning; the angle of it spoiled the momentum of the action."
Inks 1:
Edited version:
Beatiful coloured version:
Prog 1574 inks:
And coloured, wow!

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