Saturday 8 June 2013

D'Israeli - M(att)TV Part 3: Crim Shading!

Stickleback was always competitive when it came to leapfrog

Welcome back to the final chapter of this Stickleback cover trilogy. It has been a wonderful ride and an absolute privilege to see how the cover of prog 1835 came together. As if Matt Brooker's covers weren't mind blowing enough, watching how he works is even more astounding! What amazes me is his forward thinking and the intelligent use of layers and blocks for selections. In todays video, you really get to see the power of working this way.

Matt has put an awful lot of effort into these videos, they must have taken hours to put together and I know he had some real problems uploading them to YouTube. The response has been phenomenal and I'm sure you will all join me in saying a massive thank you to this very generous artist for giving up his time, gifting us his resources and sharing his talent. Simply amazing.

So please, sit back and enjoy the final part of the snappily titled 'Making of 2000AD Prog 1835 Stickleback Cover'...

As mentioned in the video, Matt submitted two covers to the Mighty one. The black version which was used, but also an alternative white one shown below...

White lines blow away!

And of course the black version...

(Stickle)Back in Black!

Sob! So that's it. I've thoroughly enjoyed this weeks' blogging. It's been fascinating, educational and inspirational. We've had a unique glimpse of the skill, time and technical knowhow that goes into making a cover of the Galaxy's Greatest. Stunning!

The great and powerful D'Israeli has asked me to pass on his thanks for watching. However, it is us who must thank him for once again raising the bar! Please go and devour his blog at

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