Monday 2 March 2015

John Higgins - Many Zarjaz Returns!

It was 38 years ago today, that Thargy told the droids to play! Happy Birthday to the Galaxy's Greatest Comic which reached the dizzy heights of 38 years young last week. Who better to paint the celebratory cover than veteran artdroid and absolute comics legend John Higgins?

John has been a great ambassador for 2000AD over the years, even taking the the stage in sunny Sunderland Con last week to speak enthusiastically about working for the Mighty One. I was lucky enough to chat with him over the weekend and he told me at length how his love for the comics industry and the people within it continues to drive him today.

In a special, highly entertaining 1:1 panel at Sunderland Con, he spoke about his love of the painting process as opposed to working digitally. He said there was nothing better than the feeling the brush on the page, cleaning dirty fingernails and the smell of paint, it's great to hear a man get so much satisfaction out of his job, the lucky git!

Over a pint of Guinness or ten, John told me how he is going to try and engage with Facebook and other social media more often, to share his process with other artists. John gets a huge kick out of collaborating with others and spoke with glee in his 1:1 about how inspired he gets by new artists and how they push him to improve all the time. Facebook friends of John were lucky enough to follow the creation of the cover on social media. From that tricky empty white space phase...

The new Shako graphic novel cover.

To the Rodin's The Thinker phase...

Hmmm, that'll hurt on the way out...

Below are some of John's initial ideas for this cover. As ever, his colour choices are just amazing, as I gushed at length about in his recent Greysuit cover post. First, an up the right nostril shot, hmmmm, I wonder what colour Tharg's snots are...?

That moment when you realise you've followed through...

Next, Tharg seems to be saying "I'll scratch your eyes out, you bitch!"

Tharg visits the Palais de Boing(R)

Then the chosen idea, the classic Detective Columbo "Just one more thing, Mrs Forsythe-Smythe..." shot...

"I'm going... home!"

Back on social media, John gave us a glimpse of the cover as he began the process.


He took to YouTube to give us a time-lapse recording of the painting process. The photographs were taken by colourist partner Sally Jane Hurst, who's brother wrote the music for the piece...  

So once again, here is the finished painting in all it's zarjaz glory, what a handsome chap Mr Tharg is!  (Phew- that should keep the Rigelion Hotshot away for another couple of weeks!)

Tharg: The Afro Years...
Here's how the prog looks on your shelf. Hats off to the editorial team as that's one of the best strap lines I've read!

It was absolutely pissing down on Betelgeuse...

As a little nostalgia trip (and to make him feel old!) here's John's cover for  the tenth birthday prog TWENTY EIGHT years ago! Blimey, I can remember getting it...

The Great Betelgeusian Cake Off.

A million thanks to John for being so generous with his time and sending the bits and bobs. It's great to meet such a legendary creator who is so excited by what he does.

Happy Birthday Tharg!

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