Cliff Robinson is back with his seventh* scrotnig Strontium Dog cover. The image shows our favourite bounty hunter getting all tooled up, ready to go on a job to find out who's trying to kill him (again!)
Cliff says "Here are a few bits'n'bobs 'n' odds'n'sods, the files include a few abandoned ideas..."
The first of those abandoned ideas, which I absolutely love, is this excellent close up of a rather angry Johnny giving the reader a face full of Electronux!
The second rough, which mirrors events in this weeks' story fairly closely, shows Middenface McNulty handing Johnny his trademark helmet...
A different approach was decided upon and Cliff went on to ink this version of the cover which, quote "Neither Tharg nor myself cared for very much..."
The eagle eyed among you will notice on this version that Cliff has made the right arm bigger and moved Johnny's trademark Westinghouse blaster...
Ever the professional, Cliff went back and re-inked virtually the whole image. He says "As you can see, for the finished cover I scavenged bits I liked from the original inked version. Waste not, want not!"

Thanks, as ever, to the brilliant Cliff for sending the images. He had a hectic weekend but still took time out to find these 'bits and bobs' for us. A genuinely lovely fella!
* Six Strony Prog covers and one Strony-themed Big Finish Audio cover.
EDIT - And finally thanks to the fantastic Dylan Teague for sending the final, coloured cover image. Another excellent cover from the dream team of Robinson and Teague!
As much as I like the finished cover, I can't help but wonder what both of those first two would've looked like finished and adorning the prog!
ReplyDeleteSome amazing linework as always.
ReplyDeleteDylans colouring and texture work just gets better and better.
The Dynamic duo strike again!
thanx for showing!