Since then so many great new characters have appeared in the Prog's pages and I thought it would be a good idea to see Brian's take on them, using the same layout as his original page. Brian liked my idea, but suggested I should do it instead of him.
I filed the idea away, but it took another conversation with a different colleague to actually galvanise me into action. This fellow suggested that The Galaxy's Greatest Comic wasn't as good as it used to be. Now I wouldn't hit a man wearing rose-tinted spectacles , so instead I decided to channel my outrage into this drawing that showcased some of the more recent characters who have graced the pages of 2000ad. That unfortunately ruled out Nemesis and Rogue Trooper as I didn't want this to be a nostalgia piece; I wanted it to be a love-letter to the last few years of the comic's history, an era I think will be seen as a second golden age."

"I completed my rough version and sent it into Tharg "on spec". He seemed delighted with it. Only later did I discover it was going to be used as the cover for the 35th anniversary issue. I wanted this to be my own loving tribute to 2000ad and I am delighted it's been selected to grace the cover of such a landmark issue." So are we Chris!
"My only regret is i didn't make it a double-page spread and include some of the older characters like Rogue, Nemesis, Ro-Jaws, Sam Slade and Kano on the back cover. It did cross my mind but I talked myself out of it for economic reasons. I'll save that version for the 50th anniversary issue. With the way the years are flying by and the speed I draw at, I'd better get started...!"