Holy Christmas, it's another excellent cover from Karl Richardson, this time depicting dimension diddling Don, 'Holy' Moses Tanenbaum from hit strip (no pun intended!) Sinister Dexter.
I mentioned the resemblance to Bad Manners' front man Buster Bloodvessel to which Karl said "
Actually, there probably will be comparisons with Buster, but hopefully from the sketches, people will see I just painted it from the sketch..." (below)

Karl continues "
I hardly ever use reference, probably because I come from more a cartoon background. I remember using refs for Big Ben, when I did the robot/monster cover, but for things like that you have to - not that there's anything wrong with using reference, it's just quicker to do it from your head if you can!"
So, here's Karl's roughs from his sketch. He says "It was fairly straight forward as I remember - I did the sketch, sent it in - got it approved, then I started to render it..."

With the rough complete, the further details were added, "
I remember adding more weight and width to his face as it wasn't nearly fat enough!"

Almost there, just a few minor, and one major (for the observant among you), things to do "
Yes, initially I spelt his name wrong!" admits Karl!
This really is another excellent cover from Mr Richardson, I'd love to see an alternative cover in the mould of the famous Obama 'Hope' posters.

If, like me, you were surprised by Karl's 'cartoon' roots, just check out some of the brilliant images he sent me! The first would make for a superb 1 page Future Shock...

Next we have some freaky Zombies...

And finally, of course, a Mexican bandit riding a T-Rex!

Thanks to Karl for once again being so brilliant with his time. He had a bunch of deadlines but still took the time to send the images and comments. What a lovely guy!
wow, Karl's cartoon work is great!