The fanzines are very professionally produced and contain the writings and art of a hotbed of young talent. Past, and indeed current, contributors to the magazines have been writers and artists such as Al Ewing, PJ Holden, Nick Dyer, Si Spurrier and Arthur Wyatt.
Testiment to the high production values of these fanzines are their amazing covers, produced by some of Tharg's top droids! Many thanks to commisioning editor Bolt-01 for sending me this selection of covers - click the images to see them in all thier glorious detail!
Please support these superb fanzines (I promise you won't regret it) by buying them from here and checking http://thequaequamblog.blogspot.com/ for news and updates.
Above we had Richard Elson's beautiful 'Kingdom' inspired cover for Zarjaz 6 followed by Dave Kendell's magnificent Slaine for the 'Zarjaz Pat Mills Special':