Welcome to a dead Dredd special in honour of the shocking events of Prog 1749! A bad trip, blood splattered version of Dredd's badge? That can't be good news! Hats off to Garry Brown for taking Psi Judge Hennesy's shocking psi flash in current Dredd epic Day of Chaos and making it scarily real!
Garry said "Tharg asked me to work up 2 layouts for a cover. He didn't tell me the plot or anything, he just had strong ideas for the cover. He wanted a closeup of Dredd's visor and a close up of his badge with blood on it. I then did 2 colour roughs. Matt liked the badge layout so I went with it..."
So below we see Garry's roughs...

A guuughe thanks to Garry for those brilliant pictures and fascinating commentary. Remember to visit his site here.
Of course, near death is just another day at the office for Mega-City One's premier lawman and a bloody, battered badge has long been a symbol for Dredd and the Justice Department's darkest days. Take, for example, Robin Smith's iconic cover of Prog 262, when, during the Apocalypse War, Dredd murders his own chief judge before turning the gun on himself. I can still remember my nine year old self shuddering at this cover...
An homage to that cover is Mark Harrison's heartbreaking cover to Prog 1009 which saw the popular 'Death of a Legend' story where Dredd took Ex Chief Judge McGruder, who was in the late stages of Alzheimer's disease, on one last, fatal mission...
Design guru Simon Parr shattered the badge for this striking cover to prog 1414 as the judges stood down to give control to terrorist group Total War during their nuclear siege of the city...

You can nuke him...
You can stab him...

Image: Carlos Ezquerra
You can squish him...
You can bite him..
You can burn him...
Crucify him...
Beat him...
But you certainly won't break him...
'Cos in the end, the badge rules creeps...