Jake Lynch is back with another excellent Dredd cover! Prog 1955 shows everyone's favourite stickler playing traffic warden, which he probably does for fun, the grumpy old shit.
This is a great slice of Megacity life and Jake has caught the griminess of the polluted city here perfectly. Eagle eyed readers should be able spot a familiar Dreddworld vehicle in the throng of traffic and there's some classic graffiti hidden among the scrawl...
Below are Jake's mindboggling digital pencils, drokk there's some work gone into those...
Who knew Dredd was a secret Eddie Spotter?
Next Jake begins to add colour and tone to the piece...
MegaCity Frogger
Jake then takes out his magic wand (dirty boy) and adds all manner of special effects to the image to really bring the scene to life...
Gillian Taylforth causes chaos on the roads again...
Below is a bonus image, where Jake has tried to "get back a harder edge."
"This is my boom stick!"
Jake is obviously a fan of the Mk2 Lawmaster with this rather lovely drawing popping up on his Facebook feed some time ago...
Koom Sscrree!
Along with this smashing Dredd!
The long arm of the Law!
And here's how the cover looks on your Prog - damn cool!
Who watches the people watching the watchmen?
HUGE thanks to Jake for sending the images. I really love Jake's work and feel he is one of the most exciting artists to emerge in the last couple of years. A style all of his own with a touch of Jock-like coolness and attitude, a dash of Hairsine, McMahon, Ewins and McArthy too. Here's hoping for lots more from this exciting droid!